Table of Contents
- AccountNotFound
- Exception thrown when an account cannot be found in the database
- AlbumNotFound
- Exception thrown when an album entry cannot be found in the database
- AllianceInvitationNotFound
- Exception thrown when an alliance invitation cannot be found in the database
- AllianceNotFound
- Exception thrown when an alliance cannot be found in the database
- CachedPortNotFound
- Exception thrown when a CachedPort cannot be found in the database
- GalaxyNotFound
- Exception thrown when a galaxy cannot be found in the database
- GameNotFound
- Exception thrown when a game cannot be found in the database
- PathNotFound
- Exception thrown when Plotter cannot find a Path
- PlayerNotFound
- Exception thrown when a player cannot be found in the database
- SectorNotFound
- Exception thrown when a sector cannot be found in the database
- SocialLoginInvalidType
- Exception thrown when a SocialLogin type is not valid
- UserError
- This exception should be used to pass an error message to the user.